Newquay Headland to Holywell Bay

 OK, so you're in the car park: Walk across the road, over to the right and start walking. I cannot give directions here, we got lost in the dunes! Somewhere out there are steps to take you away from the dreadful sand and up towards the lovely grass on the cliffs. Eventually, you'll get to the gate and looking back, you'll see Holywell Bay below you.

Now you just keep to the left as you walk out round The Kelseys; soon you'll come to Kelsey Head: A large flattish stone providing some shelter from the wind on a breezy day. Many's the time I've wedged myself here while seawatching (birdwatching for seabirds).

Now follow the cliffs towards Porth (or Polly) Joke; a lovely beach at the end of a sheltered valley. No facilities here, though: No toilets, cafe or amusement arcade...just a beach and all the better for it. Go over the small bridge and up the slope, turning left to follow the cliff alongside the beach, then up and around West Pentire. From the broken-down wall at the top, head right and downwards; the path is to the left of the wall in front of you. This path will now take you all the way to the café at Crantock Beach car park - If you can find the way across the grassy dunes in the way!

If the day is hot (and it was), you can buy an ice cream at the café.

The next part can be fun, you've got to walk across the Gannel: Preferably when the tide is out! If it's in, there's a ferry, but I don't know anything about it - you'll have to check it out. There is a bridge, if you time it right, and from the other side, you have a very long and steep stairway to walk.

Once at the top, turn left and walk along the street for a while before coming out at Pentire; a favourite place for parking and dog-walking (we certainly used to). Go past the toilets and along the rough lane around to Fistral. There's a path which runs along the back of the beach, and at the other end, you can walk with the Headland Hotel on the right and so arrive back at your car.


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