Port Isaac to Pentire Farm


 The coastal footpath is at the bottom of the car park, so off you go to the left and down towards the harbour. You'll come back to the narrow streets though, so be careful of traffic. The path rises out of the town up another narrow lane, but soon you leave the houses behind with a very stiff climb and fine views over the harbour.

Soon you drop down into Pine Haven, a pretty little valley with a bubbling stream running down over the stones. A sharp climb up to Varley Head, and then you have fencing beside you almost to Kellan Head. There is a seat up here with fine views; a good place to stop for a while!

Next, is the long walk round to Port Quin: For a long time, it never seems to get any closer! Along the road up and out of the hamlet, then across open fields with good views of Doydon Castle; a 19th Century folly that its owner used for illegal gambling parties. After Trevan Point comes Epphaven Cove, an isolated beach, followed by Lundy Bay which is regularly visited by locals who reckon that it's worth the long walk from the secluded car park. The path divides, one path keeping between trees, and the other staying on higher ground. Keep to the higher path and stop at Lundy Hole; a collapsed sea-cave with an arch leading out to sea: If the tide is in, it's an impressive sight.

Long hard climbing brings you back to the cliff top with enticing views of the Rumps getting very close; but keep your eyes open, on the left is a path through a gate that leads to the car park at the Leadmine: You may well miss it, so be careful and look out for the conglomeration of mounds on your left-hand side.


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