Predannack to The Lizard


The walk from Predannack leads to a typical Lizard vista of moorland and heather. While still some distance away, it is quite possible to see the top of the old Coastguard station at The Lizard.


If walking here in the spring, you'll find the sound of nesting seabirds at Pigeon Ogo quite deafening; if you look carefully, you might see seals: This is apparently a favourite spot for them. Nearing Kynance Cove there are many fine views, especially overlooking Asparagus Island; and the colours of the rocks in the cove, as you scramble from one side to the other, are quite spectacular.


Nearing The Lizard, you will see the old lifeboat station; the ruins seem to illustrate the bravery of the crews who set out from here.

Finally, the walk back to the village and its bustle of souvenirs and tourists.



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 Map of Walks


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Walks in this Sector